Is a Probationer Staying Clean? Find Out with JPCOT Polygraph Testing Services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX

Probationer JPCOT Testing

Dallas Polygraph Services’ examiners are fully qualified to conduct post-conviction testing in compliance with the guidelines established by the Texas Joint Polygraph Committee on Offender Testing (JPCOT), the Post-Conviction Offender Testing (PSCOT), and the American Polygraph Association (APA). We conduct polygraph examinations for the court system, probationers, probation officers and departments, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and probationers. The types of testing conducted include:
  • Instant Offense Examinations are used to address the specific issue(s) with which the probationer was charged, including full disclosure of all elements of the charged offense.
  • Sexual History Exams are used to develop the probationer’s full sexual history, required as a term of probation and to assist in the court ordered therapy.
  • Maintenance Examinations are used to determine if the subject has violated any of the terms and conditions of his or her probation, either from the beginning or at any point from the most recent testing.
  • Monitoring Exams determine if the probationer has committed any new offences since beginning probation or at any point since the most recent test.


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