Is Your Partner Cheating on You? Find out with Infidelity Polygraph Services in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX
Domestic and Infidelity (Relationship Issues)
Infidelity is a frequent topic of polygraph testing. Do you get that feeling that “something just isn’t right” in the relationship? Or do you constantly have those annoying and intrusive thoughts run in your mind: “Is he/she cheating? Is there someone else?” Whether your concern is a partner’s faithfulness, participation in cybersex activities, visiting prostitutes, or just the need to restore the relationship of trust that has been lost, Dallas Polygraph Services can help. These horrific feelings of worry and mistrust can affect your relationship with your partner and with others, and make it challenging to focus on your daily tasks. When we feel like “something is going on,” we want to confirm or deny these feelings, to figure out what is missing and to make sense of the relationship. You might find yourself sneaking to pick up the cell phone, checking text messages, going online and researching emails, and observing your partner’s every action. Does this scenario sound familiar? Your fears take on a life of their own and before you know it your partner’s every action is now suspicious . . . your fears have gotten the best of you and now makes everything look bad. Don’t live like this any longer! Call Dallas Polygraph Services for a confidential consultation and testing. We will conduct a thorough polygraph examination to address your concerns and help provide the answers you are looking for. Knowledge of the truth provides you with the information needed to rebuild a relationship or move on in a new direction. And because our polygraph testing is conducted in strictest confidentiality, clients can be sure that the results will only be shared with those authorized by the parties involved.